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  • Digital Healthcare Provision Policies in United Arab Emirates (UAE) A...
Natural Language Processing

Digital Healthcare Provision Policies in United Arab Emirates (UAE) Amid COVID-19

Sep 27, 2022


Published in: Digital Economy, Business Analytics, and Big Data Analytics Applications

Publisher: Springer

/ Tahira Yasmin / Ghaleb El Refae / Shorouq F. Eletter

The COVID-19 crisis has caused sudden pressure on health sector all around worldwide to meet the emergent safety and care needs. The pandemic has caused many governments to invest in technology to meet the increased healthcare demand. In the same lines, current study discussed the various digital solutions used in UAE healthcare sector amid pandemic. These solutions helped to facilitate people at wide scale while dropping the infection rate in the country. The adoption of technologies also displays the collaborated role of UAE government and health authorities. This unified approach has made UAE as a safest destination for nationals, residents and visitors. The innovative policies helped to meet the sudden health care challenges while paving the new road towards telemedicine. The study suggested that careful policies needed to have sustainable implementation of digital health approach.

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