
  • Researches
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EFL Instructors’ Perspective on Using AI Applications in English as a Foreign Language Teaching and Learning SCOPUS

Published in: Emerging Science Journal

Mar 12, 2024

This study aimed to explore the perspectives of EFL instructors working in a variety of universities in the UAE on the effectiveness of AI applications in the EFL classroom. EFL teachers need to use AI applications in ways that are aligned with instructional goals and support student learning. A quantitative approach was used, and data was gathered from a survey of 46 EFL instructors. The results showed that the instructors strongly relied on AI applications to facilitate tasks, offer datadrive...


Examining the Structural Relationships Between Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Intention to Teach and Perceptions of the Nature of Science and Attitudes

Published in: Open Education Studies

Feb 01, 2024

Sulaf Alazzam ORCID logo EMAIL logo Mohammad AlEeassa ORCID logo

The current study aimed to examine the structural relationships between pre-service science teachers’ intention to teach and perceptions of the nature of science (NOS) and attitudes toward teaching science. The sample consisted of 206 pre-service science teachers from a major university in the United Arab Emirates who have bachelor’s degrees in science. Quantitative research methodology was used to study the structural relationships among pre-service science teachers’ intention to teach, percep...

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Measurement Invariance Analysis of Engineering and Mathematics Majors Students’ Understanding of Mathematics Courses Teaching Practices

Published in: European Journal of STEM Education

Jan 17, 2024

Mahmoud Alquraan 1 2* Mohammad Alhassan 3 / Noor Al Deen Atatreh

This study attempts to understand the source of variation in the Students’ Evaluation of Teaching (SET) of mathematics courses by comparing the data structure of engineering major students and mathematics major students’ datasets. The sample considered in this study consists of 644 students distributed into two majors: 237 mathematics students and 407 engineering students who filled out a 20-item SET questionnaire to rate the teaching practices of three different mathematics courses offered...

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