
  • Researches

What can We Provide for Future Generations? Digitalization, Income, and Health

Published in: Journal

Dec 25, 2023

/ Rakan Alhrahsheh

This study comprehensively examines the relationship between income and technology and its impact on health outcomes. The authors demonstrate how technology spending enhances well-being and contributes to GDP per capita by increasing labor force participation and production levels. Conversely, income growth leads to increased public health spending in affluent countries. The study begins by delving into demographic insights, utilizing statistical methods to explore the relationship between inco...

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Using Measurement Invariance to Explore the Source of Variation in Basic Medical Science Students’ Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness

Published in: International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research

Dec 06, 2023

/ Mahmoud Al-Quraan

Introduction: Many research studies have shown that students' evaluations of teaching(SET) are affected by different variables without testing the requirement of fair comparisons. These studies have not tested the measurement equivalency of SET surveys according to these variables. Measurement equivalency of SET refers to whether a SET survey is interpreted similarly across different groups of individuals (Variable Levels). Without evidence of measurement invariance across different variables u...

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