
  • Researches
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Impact of electronic games addiction post COVID-19 on the mental health of public-school students in Jordan

Published in: International Journal of Education and Practice

Aug 02, 2023

/ Bayan AlNaimat : muntherbalawi

The present work aimed to find out the reality of electronic games addiction and its impact on mental health among adolescent students post-COVID-19 in public schools in Jordan. The study followed the descriptive analytical technique using a simple random method. A sample of 795 adolescent students was selected from Jordanian schools for the academic year 2022-2023. The results showed that the mean of the responses of the study sample on the scale of electronic game sites addiction among adole...

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Analytical Study of the Relationship Between Emotional Arousal and Skillful Self of Basketball Players in UAE Universities

Published in: Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

Jun 21, 2023

/ Majed El-Saleh / Munther Balawi

The purpose of this study is to recognize the relationship between emotional arousal and the skillful self of basketball players in the UAE universities. Therefore, the researchers employ the survey methodology's descriptive approach to the nature of this study. The sample of this study consisted of (44) male and female players from the national teams participating in the Sports Federation Championship for Higher Education Institutions (HESF), which were chosen by random method. Also, the r...

Conference Paper

Data analytics on blockchains

Published in: IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC)

May 01, 2023

/ Issam Al-Azzoni Saqib Iqbal

In recent years, blockchains have been exploited in areas way beyond finance, enabling numerous innovative usage scenarios and applications. However, the extension of the existing systems and applications in order to support data persistence on a blockchain is time-consuming. Therefore, this paper proposes a model-driven based approach leveraging smart contracts with the goal to automate data persistence on blockchains. The approach is evaluated in data analytics use cases. According to our res...

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