
  • Eman Ali Zaitoun, Ph.D

Eman Ali Zaitoun, Ph.D

Director, Postgraduate Professional Diploma in Teaching Program
Associate Professor

Al Ain Campus


  • International LUMA StarT Education Award 2018 (best educational practices of instructors and teachers) - June 5, 2018.
  • Best Research Award at the Ninth Conference of the librarians Jordanians: “Jordan Libraries in the Electronic Digital Environment" / Jordan Library and Information Association (20 - 21/10/2010 - Zarqa Private University). Title of Research: Recruitment of School Libraries in the Digital Age.
  • Nabil Barakat Award for Academic Excellence - University of Jordan, June 2010.


  • PhD Curriculum & Teaching - The University of Jordan (2010)
  • Masters Degree in Curriculum & Instruction / Methods of Teaching Mathematics. & Instruction (2004)
  • B.A. Degree in Education (Field Teacher/Mathematics) - 2000
  • Diploma: School Supervision - 2011
  • Diploma: School Management - 2008
  • Diploma: Guidance and Counselling - 2006

Research Interests

  • Developing Mathematics Curricula and Teaching Methods.
  • Teacher Education.
  • Thinking Skills, Talent and Creativity.
  • Guidance and School Counselling.
  • School Supervision and Management.
  • School Libraries and Technology Information.
  • Educational Media.

Selected Publications

  1. Shater, A., Alqawasmi, A., Zaitoun, E., Abualrish, M., and Aleassa, M., (2024). Effects of the Flipped Classroom Model on Academic Intrinsic Motivation and Lesson Planning: Case Research with Mathematics Teacher-Students in UAE. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 39 (6).
  2. Suzan, A.., Owais, A. K.., Taani, O.., Alarabi, K.., Zaitoun, E. A.., Farah, A.., & Fitzpatrick, R. E. (2024). From Aliens to Allies: Empowering Muslim Mothers to Navigate and Nurture Their Children’s Educational Journey in American Schools. Migration Letters, 21(4), 1118–1131.
  3. Shana, Z., Naser, K., & Zeitoun, E. (2024). Impact of web-based learning platforms on primary school students’ academic performance in the UAE: Exploring the digital frontier. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 20(1), em2385.
  4. Zaitoun, Eman Ali; Hejazi, Abed El Hakeem; Hayajneh, Wael; Kaba, Abdoulaye; Ashour, Sanaa; & Taha, Sawsan; (2023), Identifying Conflict Management Methods of School Principals as Perceived by School Teachers in Jordan. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 23(17), pp. 12–24.
  5. Rehim, M.H., Al-Tkhayneh, K.M., Zaitoun, E.A., & Khaled, A., (2023), The Effects of Electronic Games on Students’ Academic Achievement in the United Arab Emirates from a Parental Perspective, Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 14(2), pp. 217–235.
  6. Zaitoun, E., Shana, Z., Shater, A., Naser, K., & Mukattash, Z. (2023). Does flipping the classroom with videos and notetaking promote high school students’ performance in mathematics? Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(6), em2274.
  7. Zaitoun, E. A., Musleh, O. A., Almahdawi, A. J., Shater, A. H., & Kaba, A. (2023). Investigating the Attitudes of Diploma Students in Teaching Toward the Use of Electronic Assessment in Learning. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 23(3).
  8. Ashour, S., El-Refae, G. A., & Zaitoun, E. A. (2021). Post-pandemic higher education: Perspectives from university leaders and educational experts in the United Arab Emirates. Higher Education for the Future, 8(2), 219-238.
  9. Zaitoun, E. A., & Ellala, Z. K. (2019). Behavioural characteristics of gifted students in Grades 6-9 in Al Ain City. International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 10(1), 36-56.


  1. Abdallah, R., Zaitoun, E., Mostafa, I. (2023). A Review Paper on the Current Utilization of WhatsApp for Educational Purposes. Proceedings - 2023 10th International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security, SNAMS 2023.
  2. Naser, K.M., Alamassi, S., Shanaa, Z.A., ...Abulibdeh, E., Shater, A. (2023). Enhancing Postgraduate Learning Achievement: A Microlearning Approach with Reels and Shorts. Proceedings - 2023 10th International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security, SNAMS 2023.
  3. Shanaa, Z.A., Naser, K.M., Abualrish, M., Zaitoun, E.A., Yousef, J. (2023). Effects of Social Networking Sites on the Academic Performance of Graduate Students. Proceedings - 2023 10th International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security, SNAMS 2023.
  4. Zaitoun, E., Taha, S., Ashour, S., & Rawagah, H. (2023), A Study of Students' Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes toward the Use of Infographics as a Teaching Tool. In 2023 International Conference on Multimedia Computing, Networking and Applications (MCNA), (pp. 73–79). IEEE.
  5. Zaitoun, E., Taha, S., Ashour, S., & Rawagah, H. (2023), A Study of Students' Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes toward the Use of Infographics as a Teaching Tool. In 2023 International Conference on Multimedia Computing, Networking and Applications (MCNA), (pp. 73–79). IEEE.
  6. Almarashdi, H.S., Zaitoun, E., & Alarabi, K., (2023), Exploring Pre-service Mathematics Teachers' Perceptions of Teaching using Educational Games, In 2023 International Conference on Multimedia Computing, Networking and Applications (MCNA), (pp. 131–135). IEEE.
  7. Almarashdi, H. S., Abulibdeh, E. S., Zaitoun, E., Taha, S., & Libdeh, A. A. (2022, November). Pre- service Mathematics Teachers' Perspectives on STEM Education. In 2022 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
  8. Shater, A., Zaitoun, E., AlKhasawneh, T., & Aleassa, M. (2022, November). The Effect of Using Virtual Classrooms on the Attitudes of Student Teachers Toward the Use of Technology in Education. In 2022 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  9. Taha, S., Abulibdeh, E., Zaitoun, E., Daoud, S., & Rawagah, H. G. (2022, November). Investigating Student Perceptions of Augmented Reality Utilizing Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). In 2022 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
  10. Daoud, S., Alrabaiah, H., & Zaitoun, E. (2019, December). Technology for promoting academic integrity: The impact of using turnitin on reducing plagiarism. In 2019 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) (pp. 178-181). IEEE.

Professional Experience

Date: Jan, 2020 - Present

Position:  Director

Institution: Postgraduate Professional Diploma in Teaching Program, College of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Al-Ain University – Abu Dhabi – UAE


Date:  Aug. 2015 - Present

Position:  Assistant Professor

Institution: Postgraduate Professional Diploma in Teaching Program, College of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Al-Ain University – Abu Dhabi – UAE


Date:  Apr. 2009 - Aug. 2015

Position:  Part-time Lecturer

Institution: Institute of Education – UNRWA- UNISCO / Jordan


Date:  Jan. 2006 – Aug. 2015

Position:  School Principle, Head Teacher & Ass. Head Teacher

Institution: UNRWA's schools / Jordan 


Date:  May 2009 – Sep. 2011

Position:  School Supervisor (Human Rights & Library Science)

Institution: Education Development Centre – UNRWA / Jordan


Date:  Sep. 2007 – Jan. 2009

Position:  Research and Teaching Assistant

Institution: Faculty of Education – University of Jordan / Jordan


Date:  Aug. 2002- Dec. 2005

Position: Part-time Teacher Counsellor 

Institution: UNRWA's schools


Date:  Aug. 1991- Sep. 2001

Position:  Teacher Mathematics / Math Computer

Institution: Private and UNRWA's schools

Teaching Courses

= Masteres Courses:

 Curriculum and Teaching (Remedial Course).


= Postgraduate Professional Diploma in Teaching Courses:

School Curriculum and UAE Curriculum

Educational Psychology

Foundations of Education

Classroom Management

Methods of Teaching Mathematics

Methods of Teaching Science

Methods of Teaching IT



= Bachelor Courses:

 Introduction to Psychology

 Educational Psychology

 Curriculum and Instruction

 Foundations of Education

 Assessment and classroom environment

Psychological Measurements and Tests

Children's Psychological Problems

Psychology of Creativity


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.

This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):




  • Co-founder of "Innovation for Creativity Development", a Jordanian non-profit educational cultural society(September, 2013).
  • A member of Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) / Alexandria, Virginia USA (2006 – present)
  • A member of Jordan Library and Information Association (JORLA) (2009 – 2015)

= Membership of committees at Al Ain University:
- At the level of Al Ain University:

  • Member of General Education Courses (GUE) Learning Outcomes Assessment Comittee
  • Member of Ethical Research Considerations Committee.
  • Member of the evaluation of educational outputs.

- At the level of the Faculty of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences:

  • Member of the Steering Committe for preperation for accredetation by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), USA
  • Chairman of the Committee for the preparation of self-study for the development of the program "Early Childhood Bachelor".
  • Chairman of Exams, Schedules and Observations Committee
  • Chairman of the Committee for Equations and Grievances
  • Secretary of the College Council

- At the level of the Program of Postgraduate Professional Diploma in Teaching:

  • Chairman of the Committee for the preparation of the self-study for re-accreditation of the postgraduate professional diploma program in teaching (2019 & 2023)
  • Chairman of the Committee for Equations and Grievances
  • Secretary of the Department Council



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