
  • Mahmoud Fisal Al-Quraan, Ph.D

Mahmoud Fisal Al-Quraan, Ph.D


Al Ain Campus


I am a Prof in the field of Educational Research- Assessment and Statistics. I worked as the director of university performance measurement unit in a Saudi University, and the director of accreditation and quality assurance center at Yarmouk University- Jordan, and the director of admission and registration unit at two different public universities in Jordan.

I have been teaching courses in Educational Research, Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation for Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D.  students since I graduated from University of Alabama- USA in 2007.

I have several publications related to assessment and evaluation in higher education and program evaluation.


  • PhD: University of Alabama, USA 2007
  • Master: Yarmouk University- Jordan

Research Interests

  • Insuficient Effort Respnding
  • Educational Program Evaluation
  • Reliability and Validity
  • Item Response Theory

Selected Publications

  • Shraim, R & Alquraan, M. (In Press). Assessing the effect of explicit and implicit negation of negative items of attitude scale on its psychometric properties using item response theory. Irbid University Journal, x(x), xx-xx.
  • Altheeb, O. & Alquraan, M. (In Press). Evaluating Teachers Intel Training Program. Irbid University Journal, x(x), xx-xx.
  • Shawashreh, L. & Alquraan, M. (2021). Assessing measurement accuracy of multistage adaptive testing under different testing modes. Jordanian Journal of Educational Sciences (JJES), 17(2), 285-299. 
  • Obidat, A. H., Alquraan, M., & Obeidat, M. H. (2020). Data on factors characterizing the eLearning experience of secondary schoolteachers and university undergraduate students in Jordan. Data in Brief, 33, 106402,‏
  • Jawarneh, R. & Alquraan, M. (2020). The performance of Lzp Person-fit Statistic in detecting Insufficient Effort Responses according to the Likert Item Scale Points. Jordanian Journal of Educational Sciences (JJES), 16(3), 385-398.
  • Alquraan, M. (2019).The effect of insufficient effort responding on the validity of student evaluation of teaching, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 11(3), 604-615.
  • Alquraan, M., & Al-Shaqsi, A. (2019). Math and Science Post-basic Education School Teachers’ Use of Assessment for Learning and Assessment of Learning Practices in Oman. Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies [JEPS]13(4), 615-627.‏
  • Alghazo, A. & Alquraan, M. (2018). The Effectiveness of Bootstrapping Procedure in Estimating  Person-fit Statistic Cutoff- Score for Polytomous Items in Noncognitive Scales. Jordanian Journal of Educational Sciences (JJES), 14(1), 1-12.   
  • Alghazo, A. & Alquraan, M. (2017). Evaluating quality of academic programs at Yarmouk University from students perspectives, Islamic University Journal for Educational and Psychological Studies, 45(4), 390-418.
  • Al-Shammari, Z, and Alquraan, M. (2018). "FOLLOW Intervention Strategy for Children with Intellectual Disabilities: Development and Effects." The International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum 25 (4), 33-43. doi:10.18848/2327-7963/CGP/v25i04/33-43.
  • Alquraan, M., & Kuwaiti, A. A. (2017). Differential Item Functioning in Students Rating of Teaching Effectiveness Surveys in Higher Education According to Academic Disciplines: Data from a Saudi University. Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies [JEPS]11(4), 770-780.‏
  • Alquraan, M. (2016). DIF Items Effects on Kuder-Richardson 20 Formula and Construct Validity: An Exploration Using the Mantel-Haenszel Method. International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education, 3(4), 266-276.
  • Al Kuwaiti, A., Alquraan, M., & Subbarayalu, A. V. (2016). Understanding the effect of response rate and class size interaction on students evaluation of teaching in a higher education. Cogent Education3(1), 1204082.‏
  • Alquraan, M (2014). A cross-cultural study of students’ perceptions of assessment practices in higher education. Education Business and Society Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues; 7(4).
  • Alquraan, M. and Mclean, J. (2011).Assessment Practices Used in Evaluating Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Jordan as Perceived by Students. Educational Journal, 98(2), 11-36, Kuwait University. (ISSN:1029-810).
  • Alquraan, M., Bsharah, M., and Albustanji, M. (2010). Oral and Written Feedback and Their Relationship with Using Different Assessment Methods in Higher Education. International Journal of Applied Educational Studies. 7(1), p43-58.  (ISSN:1996-773X).
  • Alquraan, M. and Aljarah, A (2011). Psychometric Revision of a Jordanian Version of the Metamemory in Adulthood Questionnaire (MIA): Rasch Model, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and Classical Test Theory Analyses. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues.  4(4), 292-302 (ISSN: 1753-7983).
  • Fraij, F., Alquraan, M., Dababse, A., and Al-Obaidy, S. (2010). The Impact of Employing Technology in Teaching a Mathematics Course. International Journal of Innovation and Learning. 8(2).p (170-188)(IJIL,ISSN:1471-8197) DOI: 10.1504/IJIL.2010.034348.
  • Alquraan, M., Alshraideh, M., and Bsharah, M. (2010). Psychometric Properties and Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Analyses of Jordanian Version of Self-Assessed Wisdom Scale. . International Journal of Applied Educational Studies. 9(1), p52-66.   (ISSN:1996-773X).
  • Alquraan, M and Casebeer, C. (2010). Beliefs of Jordanian Higher Education Students Concerning Assessment. Paper presented at Southwest Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2010,  New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, February 17–20, 2010.
  • Alquraan, M (2010). The Use of Assessment for Learning in Higher Education: Effect of Assessment Methods and College. Paper presented to World International Conference in Education (WICE-2010), Amman-Jordan, 19-20/5/2010.
  • Alquraan, M and Casebeer, C. (2010). The Beliefs of Low-Performing University Students Concerning the Uses of Assessment: A Study From Jordan. Paper presented to World International Conference in Education (WICE-2010), Amman-Jordan, 19-20/5/2010.
  • Cassbeer, C and Alquraan, M. (2011). Low-Performing Jordanian Postsecondary Students: What are their Beliefs Concerning the Classroom Assessment Practices of their Instructors? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. August 2011, Vol. 1, Special Issue

Professional Experience

Position Place From Up To
Professor Al Ain University- College of Education September 2022 Now
Professor Yarmouk University- College of Education- Department of Counseling and Educational PsychologyIrbid- Jordan September 2015 Now
Associate professor University of Dammam, KSA.Sabbatical Leave: Al-Hussein Bin Talal University/ Jordan August 2014 September 2015
Associate professor College of Education/ Al-Hussein Bin Talal University/ Jordan 26-8-2012 13-9-2014
Assistant professor College of Education/ Al-Hussein Bin Talal University/ Jordan 26-8-2007 25-8-2012
Ph.D Student at University of Alabama-USA 15-8-2004 15-8-2007
Full time lecturer College of Education/ Al-Hussein Bin Talal University/ Jordan 7-2-1998 15- 7-2004

Teaching Courses

  • Descriptive Eeducational Statistics
  • Inference Statistics (Graduate Level)
  • Educational Research
  • Educational Measurement and Evaluation.
  • Qualitative Research (Ph.D Level)
  • Seminar in Psychological Assessment
  • Program Evaluation (Ph.D Level)
  • Advanced Research methods in Education (PhD level)
  • Advanced Statistical Analysis in Education (PhD level)


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.

This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):



Examining the Structural Relationships Between Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Intention to Teach and Perceptions of the Nature of Science and Attitudes

Published in: Open Education Studies

Feb 01, 2024

Sulaf Alazzam ORCID logo EMAIL logo Mohammad AlEeassa ORCID logo

The current study aimed to examine the structural relationships between pre-service science teachers’ intention to teach and perceptions of the nature of science (NOS) and attitudes toward teaching science. The sample consisted of 206 pre-service science teachers from a major university in the United Arab Emirates who have bachelor’s degrees in science. Quantitative research methodology was used to study the structural relationships among pre-service science teachers’ intention to teach, perceptions of the NOS, and attitudes. Structural equation modeling using the Lavaan package was used to test these structural relationships. The results show that the relationships between the indigenous constructs (NOS) and the mediator constructs (DAS) can predict pre-service science teachers’ intention to teach science (p < 0.05).

Full-text Available

Measurement Invariance Analysis of Engineering and Mathematics Majors Students’ Understanding of Mathematics Courses Teaching Practices

Published in: European Journal of STEM Education

Jan 17, 2024

Mahmoud Alquraan 1 2* Mohammad Alhassan 3 / Noor Al Deen Atatreh

This study attempts to understand the source of variation in the Students’ Evaluation of Teaching (SET) of mathematics courses by comparing the data structure of engineering major students and mathematics major students’ datasets. The sample considered in this study consists of 644 students distributed into two majors: 237 mathematics students and 407 engineering students who filled out a 20-item SET questionnaire to rate the teaching practices of three different mathematics courses offered by the Department of Mathematics. The hypothesis tested in this study is: that variation in students’ perceptions of mathematics course teaching practices is different based on students’ majors (Mathematics versus Engineering). Measurement invariance (MI) analyses were used to examine the source of variation in the datasets and to compare engineering and mathematics students’ perceptions of the teaching effectiveness of mathematics courses. While the results of this study provide evidence of the SET validity, it was found that engineering students differently perceive three out of twenty of the SET questionnaire items when compared with mathematics major students.

Full-text Available

Using Measurement Invariance to Explore the Source of Variation in Basic Medical Science Students’ Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness

Published in: International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research

Dec 06, 2023

/ Mahmoud Al-Quraan

Introduction: Many research studies have shown that students' evaluations of teaching(SET) are affected by different variables without testing the requirement of fair comparisons. These studies have not tested the measurement equivalency of SET surveys according to these variables. Measurement equivalency of SET refers to whether a SET survey is interpreted similarly across different groups of individuals (Variable Levels). Without evidence of measurement invariance across different variables under investigation, the SET ratings should not be compared across these variables and this is the goal of this study. Methods: Measurement Invariance analysis of SET survey was investigated using 1649 responses to SET of four different medical core courses offered by the College of Science and College of Medicine and from different levels. Results: The results showed the existence of teaching practices in the SET survey that are not equivalently loaded on its factor across the levels of targeted variables, and the college offered medical courses were a source of variation in basic medical science students’ evaluation of teaching effectiveness. On the other hand, teaching practices in the SET survey are equivalently loaded on its factor across course levels. Discussion: The study results showed that the SET of medical courses is comparable to the courses only taught by the College of Medicine. These results provide evidence that medical courses are different from other courses offered by other colleges. This means that comparing SET of the College of Medicine with other colleges and colleges of medicine needs to compare SET results at the college level only.

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